VIDEO. Cherrywood Business Campus: A closer look at production of bespoke timber canopy

By April 29, 2022September 28th, 2023news, Cost Management|Project Management

Working with ambitious clients, imaginative architects and technically ingenious partners can produce innovative pieces.


As part of Spear Street Capital’s recent upgrades works in Cherrywood Business Campus, a key feature on the campus is the bespoke timber and glass canopy. The bespoke canopy shelters a sunken garden and measures approximately 25 x 18 meters.

Designed by architect Benjamin Thomas, MOLA Architecture and produced and supplied by Hasslacher Norica Timber, the free-formed grid shell glulam structure is supported by three V-shaped columns. Octatube provided pre-engineering to installation and Cleary Doyle was the contractor.

Scollard Doyle provided Cost and Project Management services to Spear Street Capital for this project.

Thank you to Hasslacher Norica Timber for use of their video.